Friday, December 16, 2011

la soupe de catherine

Let's talk some more about the history of the Escalade.  Where were we?  Ah yes, the pride of the Genevans for their defeat of the midnight attackers, the Savoyards!  (See a few posts ago, if you're confused.) The town was awoken; townspeople sprung into defensive action.  With me now?

One storyline* swells above others in collective memory, and that is the legend of Catherine Cheynel, or la Mère Royaume, whose simple act now represents the bravery and strength of the Genevois.  While ladders touched city walls and stealthy soldiers hoisted their armored selves up, a pot, no - more like a cauldron, of vegetable soup simmered and steamed above, warming the home of the Royaume family.  Upon rising and noticing the clamor outside her window, Catherine, in a rush of adrenaline, flung her hot soup out of the window and onto a Savoyard soldier below.

What everyday material might the Swiss use to symbolize her heroic act?  

If you guessed chocolate, you are correct.  

A few weeks ago, candy and bakery shop windows started filling up with these puppies:

We desperately wanted in on whatever tradition was in store (wouldn't you?), so we sought direction on this chocolate cauldron matter.  Tim and I put our gathered information together, determining that we were to purchase a marmite (cauldron/pot) and, on the 12th of December, the youngest and oldest of the house together were to join hands and crack it, causing marzipan vegetables to spill.  

Prior to breaking the marmite, the following is to be said:
"Qu'ainsi périssent les ennemis de la République!"
(In so doing, enemies of the Republic will perish!)

Aoife stood in for Jude as the youngest family member, but aside from that, 
we followed directions to the letter.  

Our little marmite.

Perish, indeed.  Marzipan is so much better than I'd remembered.  

*Imaginative (overly, at times) liberties were taken in this description, as well as all preceding and proceeding descriptions in this entire blog.  


lis said...

I love it!!

jeanne said...

i second that. i love it, too.