Thursday, March 8, 2012


The streets of Geneva change on a Wednesday.  Public schools are closed, so the arms of the city's children are pulled by the city's moms, dads, and babysitters as they are hastened to dance lessons, sports practice, and doctor's appointments.  Wednesday is a day for family enrichment and life maintenance, for lessons, for play dates, for cavity fillings.  Wednesdays, as Genevans with school-aged children know it, could soon be a thing of the past - we'll soon find out after the next vote.  

NO to school on Wednesdays. (Quality over Quantity)

YES to school on Wednesday morning.
Switzerland is a direct democracy, which makes voting here a regular hobby, and it makes sign reading for outsiders like me pretty darn interesting.  If you're in the mood, take a peek at this short clip, which explains how the Swiss direct democracy works.  

While I can certainly understand both sides of this argument, the state of Wednesday suits our current, little chapter quite nicely.  Somehow, when we weren't paying attention, our pattern snuck up on us and turned into a comfortable routine, one that we have come to look forward to.  

Here are some bits from a typical Wednesday.   

Aoife's arm gets pulled to go to the Montreurs d'Images.  
(She's the one on the left who does not curtsy.)  

Jude presses buttons at the ol' Ludotheque.

I steal a quiet, pre-ludo moment with a grand café noir.  
This one you see here was brought to me 
without even ordering, indicating that we have, 
indeed, been here for not a small while.


Anonymous said...

Aoife and Jude,
So good to hear from you, we love to see you and what you are up to! Wish I could join you for a grand cafe, and my vote is Non a l'ecole le mercredi!


jeanne said...

Great little post. Little life chapters build rich lives.
And, as for the vote...what she (Anne) said.