We all have someone to blame for our excessive feelings towards desk materials. Me, I blame my mother. When I was a child, anything remotely resembling a holiday led to tiny, comic-wrapped gifts of themed, sweet-smelling erasers, lacquered pencils of atypical girths, and quirky, multi-functional pens. I am still a little convinced that my pen with a pull-out vision check chart actually helped me win a couple of friends. (Oh, dear. It has just occurred to me that maybe that is precisely why she gave it to me.) You know that kid in the classroom who stands her supplies up on her desk like a menagerie so they're ready for use and admiration? Moi!
You understand that I was so looking forward to getting my hands on, I mean, buying Aoife some spanking new crayons, markers, and paints (with the expanded color palettes, of course) especially when sights like this
Everything (on every wall) in this beautiful little shop is grouped by gradating hue. |
are smattered about town.
The list was more brief and more sporty than expected, but certainly not uninteresting:
Une paire de pantoufles fermées
The classroom slippers you already know about.
Une paire de basanes non glissante pour la rhythmique*
Pair of no-slip slippers for dance/movement time. (Who knew there were so many ways to say and so many specific uses for slippers?)
Une boîte de kleenex
Yup, you got it.
Un sac de gymnastique en tissu
Cloth gym bag
Un short
Une paire de baskets
Gym shoes
Un tee-shirt
You can handle that one.
Un tablier de peinture à manches longues
Paint smock with long sleeves
*Rhythmique seems to be something very important here. I'll share more about it as soon as I gather a bit more information.
very funny!!
i take full responsibility for your overindulgence in school supplies. other than that, you turned out pretty well!
I feel like I should point out that Bic pens are some of the best pens I've ever used (if we're just talking about ones that aren't obviously superior like the ones in the picture). They last for so long and they don't get ink bubbles. You have to buy the ones that have tips that match the ink color, though. Not those Cristal ones.
Thanks, mom!
Maddie, I'm talkin' basic Bic here, not the newer attempts at image changeover.
(Thanks to you two for reading and responding! Heart, k.)
Did you buy one of every color? I would have and probably bought an extra set just in case :)
You know I've always admired your taste and collection of school supplies. Do they have those scented pencils? And does everyone use the graphing paper notebooks?
V, not yet...in the works!
Z, why, thank you! Annie gave AQ some smencils...they're amazing. And yes, there is graph paper everywhere. (And thanks SO much for your message - response on its way.)
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