Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Somehow it's been a couple of weeks since we were in Paris.  The weekend still feels close - it was intense and lovely, and I so wish that I could have scooped all of you up so that you could have been with us.

First things first - upon our arrival (after a rather silly flight, involving a bus-to-train-to-airplane-to-taxi schlep, not to be tried again) there was a birth to celebrate.

We had an immediate pre-party, to incorporate those who should have been in bed...

She's now vingt-trois, not trente-deux.  

Followed by the to-be-savored actual party with catching up, well wishing, and cuisine.  

From the Grand Épicerie at the Bon Marché - have you ever seen such a thing?

This photo has no real purpose here,
other than to please you cheese lovers.

There was no time for an after party, as another event was in the works.  

I realize that I'm stating the obvious here, but Paris, under the crisp, fall light was so beautiful, it hurt.  Coming from sleepy, little Geneva, it was massive, crowded, and surprisingly urban.  I was reminded again that, in his very foundation, Tim is a Parisian.  While my tidy Chicago grid system troubles him, Tim maneuvers the dizzying maze of changing street names, split-ends, and once-footpaths with an awakened internal compass.  


jeanne said...

These are really precious photographs. And, happy birthday to Mary! Aoife & Mary look like sisters.

Dawn Hayman said...

The cheese...looks yummy...tee hee hee!