Wednesday, September 21, 2011


windows, walls, and rooftops.


Anonymous said...

nice windows! just wanted to make sure they were ordained with a comment. guess who? hint: xoxo

Aoife & Jude said...

Thank you! But, oh, dear. I'm on the spot...but excited by the challenge. I have a few people who use the xoxo tag as their signature. One more hint?

Aoife & Jude said...

lp, that's not you, is it?! those lower case if it is, sheesh, i have a novella of an email in my drafts folder awaiting an end to send to you.

Anonymous said...

wrong. xoxo try again.
20 questions, perhaps?

Deb said...

i love your photos. so lovely to see the world through your eyes. your blog has made me thoroughly cry with nostalgia! i love you, deb...